Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prairie Splendor Farm B & B wins Lodging of the Year

The B & B has had a busy year. I was very surprised and pleased to win the 2010 Columbia County Lodging award from the CCVB. The exposure was priceless.

The Governors Conference on Tourism was fun and educational. I enjoyed the opportunity of networking with fellow Innkeepers as they shared their successes and ideas. Promoting tourism for Wisconsin is so important. I won the only very nice gift basket.

Vacation rental of my home has been the primary target this year. I have enjoyed meeting the nicest people from Wisconsin, Illinois to Washington. They arrive and settle into a home that offers all the comforts of home.

Don't miss the State Fair in Milwaukee. I will be there at the CCVB (Columbia County Visitors Bureau) booth.

Save September 11, 2010. I will be hosting with the CCVB my first annual vintage car show, featuring 50's cars. It seemed a good match for my 50's B & B. "BACK TO THE 50'S ON HIGHWAY 60". There will be music, food and homemade ice cream from The Sassy Creamery. See you there from 10:00 to 2:00.

On a personal note, I have been canning my famous dill pickles. I haven't had that pleasure for years. I will share my recipe with you:

Kosher Dill Pickles

Pack in sterile quart jars - 1/8 t alum, 1 clove of garlic sliced, 1/2 t mustard seed, 2-3 flowers of dill.

Brine: 1 quart of cider vinegar, 1 C canning salt, 3 quarts of water

Heat to boiling, pour over cucumbers. Seal. 6-8 weeks before you can enjoy them. :(